An image of the Candela Laser Pro Max which is a hair removal tool about the size of a mini fridge, with a hand being stretched out grabbing the white handle


The Lotus Bloom Logo an extension of Nail House

Your Top choice for Hair Removal in Winnipeg

Welcome to Lotus Bloom (located inside Nail House at 375 Centre Street in Winnipeg), where beauty meets serenity in Winnipeg! We are thrilled to unveil our sanctuary dedicated to providing premium spa services offering laser hair removal, sugaring, and waxing services that leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and radiant.

Our team of experts are committed to delivering personalized care and attention to each client, ensuring a comfortable and relaxing experience every time you visit.

Say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to silky-smooth skin with our advanced laser hair removal treatments. Whether you’re looking to target small specific areas or achieve larger area hair removal, our state-of-the-art technology and skilled professionals deliver exceptional results offering long-term hair reduction.

For those who prefer a more natural hair removal method, our sugaring services provide a gentle and effective alternative to traditional waxing. Experience the beauty of sugaring with its all-natural ingredients and less discomfort compared to waxing.

And for those seeking classic waxing services, our experienced team use premium-quality wax to ensure a smooth and efficient hair removal experience, leaving your skin feeling soft and silky.

At Lotus Bloom, we believe that beauty is not just about outward appearance but also about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. That’s why we are dedicated to providing a serene and welcoming environment where you can relax, unwind, and indulge in some well-deserved pampering.

Join us at Lotus Bloom and discover the perfect blend of luxury, relaxation, and results-driven treatments. Book your appointment today and let us help you bloom into your most beautiful self!

About your Laser Treatment

At Lotus Bloom, we utilize the cutting-edge Candela GentleMax Pro Laser, an innovative treatment that combines the power of two lasers to provide a wide range of safe and effective solutions. 

With its dual wavelength technology, GentleMax Pro is our leading choice for laser hair removal. Additionally, we harness its versatility to address various skin concerns including wrinkles, fine lines, spider and leg veins, facial redness, sunspots, sun damage, pigmented lesions, and more.

An image of a room with a single medical bed with a green blanket. to the right is the laser system used for hair removal

About Your sugaring Treatment

a heating system used to warm up wax and sugaring used for hair removal. It has 2 dials, 4 red buttons and has a floral design

Discover the sweet secret to smooth, silky skin with body sugaring at Lotus Bloom! Unlike traditional waxing, sugaring offers a gentle and natural hair removal method that delivers exceptional results. 

Our sugar paste adheres only to the hair and not the skin, minimizing discomfort and reducing the risk of irritation. With regular sugaring treatments, you can enjoy longer-lasting hair removal and softer regrowth. Plus, sugaring exfoliates the skin, leaving it smooth, radiant, and free from ingrown hairs. Say goodbye to the sticky mess of waxing and hello to the sweet benefits of body sugaring at Lotus Bloom!

About your waxing treatment

Experience the classic charm of traditional waxing at Lotus Bloom! Our expert use premium-quality wax to provide efficient and effective hair removal with minimal discomfort.

Waxing is a time-tested method for achieving smooth, hair-free skin, and our skilled professionals ensure a thorough and gentle experience every time. Whether you’re looking to target specific areas or achieve full-body hair removal, our waxing services deliver silky-smooth results that last. Say hello to beautifully smooth skin with the timeless appeal of traditional waxing at Lotus Bloom!

An image of 100 or so Popsicle sticks of various sizes in glass jars

Laser Hair Removal - Frequently Asked Questions

NO. You need to stop waxing, tweezing or using any means that pulls the hair out by the root for a month prior to the treatment.

24 hours prior to your appointment, please shave the treatment area.

Try to avoid the sun and tanning beds and wear a minimum SPF for 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

Generally most people will see significant long-term hair reduction after six treatments. However, every body is different and you may require more.

At LotusBloom, we utilize the power of the Candela GentleMax Pro.

Laser hair removal with GentleMax Pro laser is ideal for anyone looking to reduce unwanted hair from most areas of the body, including the face, legs, arms, underarms, back, chest, and bikini line. Unlike other laser hair removal treatments, the GentleMax Pro laser is effective in targeting all hair colors.

If you have a specific skin concern you’d like to improve, such as age spots, sun spots, wrinkles, facial or leg veins, or uneven skin tone, you may be interested in GentleMax Pro treatment. The procedure is also a good choice if you’re looking for a non-surgical option for overall facial rejuvenation.

What happens during a GentleMax Pro Laser Session?

At the start of your GentleMax Pro laser treatment session, your skin is cleaned, and you’ll be provided with protective eyewear. Your NailHouse Technician uses a small handpiece to deliver a pulse of laser light energy to the treatment area. The device also releases a cooling spray to protect the skin and reduce discomfort from the laser pulse.

Depending on the area and condition being treated, your GentleMax Pro laser treatment session can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.

After treatment, your skin may appear red and swollen, similar to a mild sunburn. There is no downtime associated with GentleMax Pro, and you can immediately resume most of your normal activities. We recommend avoiding direct sun exposure to the treatment area and using harsh cleansers while the skin heals.

Visit Us

3334 Portage Ave
Winnipeg Manitoba

Contact Us

(204) 896-8818