Why Choose Alexandrite and Nd:YAG Lasers Over IPL for Hair Removal?

Welcome back to Lotus Bloom Skincare’s blog, where we not only enhance your beauty but also expand your knowledge about the most effective hair removal and skincare treatments. Today, let’s delve deeper into the advanced laser technologies we use —Alexandrite and Nd:YAG lasers—and why they’re superior to IPL for hair removal.

Understanding Laser Hair Removal Technology

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a procedure that uses laser light to target and destroy hair follicles, the tiny structures that grow hair. By focusing a specific wavelength of light onto the skin, the laser heats up and damages the follicle, reducing future hair growth. This method provides a long-term solution compared to temporary methods like shaving or waxing.

Is IPL treatment “Laser Hair Removal”

If we’re getting technical, IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. As the name suggests, it is misleading to advertise this as “Laser Hair Removal”. IPL uses an array of different light wavelengths. Some of these wavelengths will work for hair removal, while some may not. While IPL can provide modest hair removal, the wavelengths are not as targeted. This means that the IPL results will not be as efficient as true laser hair removal, typically resulting in more required treatments or poor treatment for certain skin types. Furthermore, the variety of wavelengths used in an IPL treatment can increase the pain level and risk of burn.

In-Depth Look at Laser Technologies: Alexandrite and Nd:YAG

At Lotus Bloom Skincare, we use the Candela GentleMax Pro for laser hair removal and other laser skin treatments. The GentleMax Pro is classified as an Alexandrite and Nd:YAG laser (Alex YAG for short). While it is one device, it actually contains two separate lasers: an Alex (755 nm wavelength) and a YAG (1064 nm wavelength). Our laser technicians have the ability to switch between each laser in order to select the best laser for the client we are treating.

Alexandrite Laser Technology

  • Wavelength: The Alex laser operates at a 755 nm wavelength. This laser has been recognized globally as being one of the most efficient wavelengths for hair removal.
  • Mechanism: It delivers precise, high-energy light to the hair follicle, where the melanin absorbs the laser, converting it to heat that destroys the follicle.
  • Benefits: Because melanin absorbs Alex lasers so well, it is the most optimal laser for hair removal for individuals without substantial melanin in their skin, (i.e. people who fall between 1 – 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale, typically lighter skinned people).

Nd:YAG Laser Technology

  1. Wavelength: The YAG laser uses a longer wavelength of 1064 nm. The laser is also more highly absorbed by hemoglobin as opposed to melanin.
  2. Mechanism: It bypasses the skin’s surface melanin and directly targets the hair follicles deeper within the skin, minimizing the risk of skin damage.
  3. Benefits: Due to the fact that YAG lasers bypass surface melanin, they are far superior for safely treating individuals who fall between 4 – 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale (darker skinned people).

Cooling system

The Candela GentleMax Pro uses a cryogen cooling system. This system sprays cyrogen gas at the skin prior to the laser. This cooling system has been shown to provide better cooling than other hair removal devices. This results in significantly improved comfort for the client, better hair removal outcomes, and less mess than gels or similar cooling systems.

Why IPL Falls Short Compared to Laser Technologies

IPL hair treatment has grown in popularity for one reason, it is advertised as cheap. The machines themselves are far less costly upfront for providers and providers may choose to offer lower per session pricing. However, in many cases, IPL treatments can be more costly than treatment with a laser. This is because more sessions will be required to receive long-term or permanent hair reduction; oftentimes with less overall hair removal. Furthermore, many people, particularly people with darker skin tones, cannot be treated safely or effectively with IPL. For this reason, at Lotus Bloom Skincare, we use a true Alexandrite Nd:YAG laser, the Candela GentleMax Pro which is designed to provided superior results, safely, to all skin types.